The St. Moritz Energie electricity price comprises three elements:

Energy price

Energy production costs

Grid-use charge

Electric power transmission

Public dues

The respective proportions of the price composition will vary according to electricity consumption and your location.

For small-scale consumers who do not yet have the option to choose their electricity supplier, ElCom monitors the electricity tariffs; i.e., the entire electricity tariff.

Since 2009, large-scale consumers with an annual purchase of more than 100 MWh have been free to choose their electricity supplier. However, their electricity tariff will no longer be monitored by ElCom since the consumer is free to switch providers. ElCom continues to monitor the grid-use charges of all providers.


Tariffs for small-scale consumers

Large-scale-customer tariffs

We provide our large-scale customers with the “Maxi” tariff as standard. Customers with an annual consumption of over 100,000 kWh/year are eligible to buy electricity on the open market. This is possible with an individual contract with St. Moritz Energie or another electricity provider. For individual contracts, electricity prices are energy-exchange-based; therefore, the price can change daily.

Regardless of location, eligible customers can conclude an individual contract with St. Moritz Energie or secure their access to the free market via the “Energiepool für Grossbezüger” (Energy Pool for large-scale consumers) purchasing pool.

Personalised consultation

Do you have further questions? Dario Dosch in our Customer Service department is looking forward to your call or email.

Customer Service St. Moritz Energie
Dario Dosch
Via Signuria 5
CH-7500 St. Moritz
T +41 81 837 59 10